Augmented Reality: The New Canvas for Indian Brands

Explore AR’s power to tell immersive stories, build hyper-local connections, and fuel measurable growth for your brand. Discover why AR is a game-changer for Indian brands, learn creative ways to implement it, and answer your burning questions like cost, impact, and getting started.


Welcome to the dawn of a transformative era in brand marketing – the age of Augmented Reality (AR). In the dynamic landscape of design studios and brand-building companies in India, AR is emerging as a potent catalyst, seamlessly merging the realms of digital and physical experiences. AR brings about new dimensions with immersive storytelling, enhanced engagement, and much more to redefine how brands connect with their audience/ customer. Whether you’re into design or even a brand strategist, the magic of AR awaits, promising unparalleled creativity and connection.

What is Augmented Reality?

Imagine a customer trying on a saree virtually, or visualising furniture in their living room with a tap, that’s augmented reality. AR transforms smartphones into portals of digital information experienced in your environment in real-time. AR transcends static visuals, creating hyper-local engagement, and increasing the user’s perception and their interaction with their surroundings. AR can be a powerful tool for creating immersive and engaging experiences that bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds. As a brand, tapping into this technology can ignite your marketing and connect with audiences in ways never before possible. 

Here’s Why AR Should be on Your Radar

1. Captivating Storytelling

AR lets you go beyond static images and videos. AR overlays your brand, products, or experiences onto the user’s environment. Think immersive virtual showrooms, interactive product demonstrations, or gamified ad campaigns. The customer gets to experience the brand in its entirety even before stepping out.

2. Hyper-Local Appeal

India’s diverse cultural landscape is a perfect match for AR’s ability to personalise experiences. Create location-based filters and effects that tie your brand to specific cities, festivals, or even local landmarks. For instance, AR filters inspired by Holi colours or Diwali lights enhance user engagement and brand recall. 

3. Measurable Impact

Brand building is a numbers game, and AR excels in this arena. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, AR is measurable and trackable. Monitor interactions, engagement times, and conversions to see what’s working and what’s not. Use this data to refine your AR strategies and maximise their effectiveness. Through this, you also get a comprehensive understanding of your audience’s preferences and tastes. 

4. Building Brand Loyalty

AR goes beyond just watching – it makes users a part of your brand story, creating memories and loyalty. Think of hosting scavenger hunts or fun contests through AR, giving users a unique and shareable brand experience. Allowing them to try before committing not only builds trust but also makes their overall experience much better.

5. Accessible Innovation 

AR doesn’t require heavy investment in hardware. Many user-friendly AR platforms and tools are readily available. Start small, experiment, and gradually scale your AR initiatives as you see the impact and what suits your brand needs. 

Ready to Unleash the Potential of AR? 

Here are some ways you can use AR in your brand based on your niche and requirements.

1. Virtual Product Try-on

Trying on clothes in a virtual dressing room, visualising how furniture complements your living space, or test-driving a car without leaving your home, are some ways AR can complement your user experience. This virtual experience not only enhances your consumer’s convenience but also empowers them to make informed decisions, ensuring satisfaction with their choices.

2. Augmented Packaging

Transform your product packaging into an interactive delight by incorporating engaging games, lively animations, or intriguing hidden messages. This not only adds a playful element to the unboxing experience but also creates a memorable connection between your brand and the consumer. 

3. AR-Powered Events

Set up interactive booths at festivals or expos to turn your brand into a must-visit destination. Engage attendees with interactive displays, hands-on activities, and immersive experiences that showcase your products or services. By creating a vibrant and engaging space, you not only capture attention but also leave a lasting impression, making your brand a standout presence at events.

4. Gamified Marketing Campaigns

Transform user engagement into an exciting game by incorporating AR-based contests and challenges. Whether it’s a scavenger hunt, trivia, or interactive challenges, turning your brand interaction into a playful competition adds an element of fun and keeps users actively involved. This boosts engagement but also creates an enjoyable connection between your brand and the audience.

5. Educational Experiences

Enhance the exploration of landmarks by overlaying historical information through AR, providing users with a fascinating journey through time. Additionally, leverage AR to simplify complex concepts by presenting them engagingly and interactively. 

Challenges and Drawbacks to AR

Despite the immense potential of Augmented Reality (AR), it still faces several challenges that hinder its widespread adoption and seamless integration into our lives. Here are some of the key hurdles that could impact you:

1. Technological/ Hardware Limitations

Current AR devices, like headsets and glasses, can be bulky, uncomfortable, and have a limited field of view and battery life. This can hinder user experience and discourage long-term use.

2. High Development Costs

Creating high-quality AR content can be expensive and time-consuming, requiring specialised skills and software. This can be a barrier for smaller brands and developers.

3. Lack of Standardisation

The AR industry lacks well-defined standards for content creation and device compatibility. This can lead to fragmentation and hinder interoperability, making it difficult for users to access and enjoy a wider range of AR experiences.

4. Data collection and use

AR applications often collect vast amounts of user data, including location, movement, and even eye-tracking information. This raises concerns about data privacy and security, especially in the absence of strong regulations and ethical practices.

5. Potential for misuse

AR technology could be misused for malicious purposes, such as creating fake news or manipulating reality. It’s important to develop safeguards and ethical guidelines to prevent such misuse.


In conclusion, Augmented Reality (AR) emerged as a game-changing force for design studios and brand-building companies in India. By leveraging AR’s storytelling and hyper-local appeal, brands can create immersive experiences that resonate deeply with diverse audiences. The measurable impact of AR, tracking interactions and conversions, transforms flashy visuals into strategic tools for ongoing optimisation. AR’s potential to turn passive observers into active participants fosters brand loyalty, offering a unique way to connect with your consumers. As a versatile and accessible innovation, AR presents limitless opportunities for brands to captivate audiences and stand at the forefront of marketing innovation. 


Q1. What exactly is AR and how does it work?

Augmented Reality (AR) overlays digital information onto the real world, perceived through a smartphone or tablet screens. Being able to try on makeup before actually buying it– that’s AR in action.

Q2. How can my brand use AR in India?

From virtual showrooms and interactive packaging to gamified campaigns and location-based filters, the possibilities are endless! Consider AR try-ons for sarees, festival-themed filters, or educational overlays at historical sites.

Q3. Is AR expensive and complicated to implement?

Many user-friendly AR platforms and tools like 8th Wall, Zappar and Spark AR Studio  are readily available, making them accessible even for smaller brands. Start with smaller initiatives and scale up as you see the impact.

Q4. Does AR work? Can I measure its success?

Absolutely! AR campaigns are highly trackable. Monitor engagement times, interactions, and conversions to see what resonates and optimise your strategies for maximum impact.

Q5. How can I get started with AR for my brand?

Research AR platforms and agencies, identify opportunities relevant to your niche and start small with pilot campaigns. Experiment, gather data, and refine your approach to unlock the full potential of AR for your brand.

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